what can i say? i'm an eccentric woman.

got more soul

than a sock

with a hole.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A, B, C... (Journal)

An amorphous alien appeared at an amazing affair.

Brimful beer bottles burke billions.

Creep, crawl, crunch, cringe, cripple, cease…

Disasters distort dignity deep down dripping drains.

Eerily exasperating eclectic electric eccentric emotions exploring Earth

Fall flames flickered for flowers flowing freely

Grisly gangs grabbed grand guns, gracefully gunning guiltless girls.

Hardy Harry hammered holes, hitting home hallways.

Imagine imagination inertia in ice igloos; incognito idea in intellect

Jagged jewelry jaws just jabber jaded jocks

Keen killers know keys, keeping kip kits

Ladies lost love letters like ludicrous liars lose light

Melodious music makes me mitigate my mindless mind

New nostalgia never nears naked night noise

Obscene or orthodox; ordinary or odd

Pierced promises pollute psychic painted pictures

Quaint quasars question quiet queens

Raging rebels revolutionize ridiculously ravaged radio

Shameless souls stray shanty streets so shady

Trail the tick tocks time throws thematically throughout the term

Unwind under unusually umber umbrellas

Virtuous vessels vacate venomous vipers voraciously vibrating

Windy weather whistles wars without words, wars with wrath

Xenophobic Xanthippe x-rays xylophones

Your yucky Youtube yearnings yesterday yoke you yourself yearly

Zero zealous zookeepers zest zigzag zebras

1 comment:

FluκεY т y я o said...

someone has a lot of time on their hands! a very random thing this is, which makes it all the better..